Redfall – Review Roundup
Are you ready for a post-apocalyptic adventure where you fight against vampires? Well, look no further than Redfall, the latest game release Arkane Studios. However, it seems that the reviews for this game are as varied as the blood-sucking foes you’ll encounter within it.
In this review roundup, I’ll be taking a closer look at the mixed reactions Redfall has been receiving. Ive scoured the internet to bring you the most comprehensive round-up. So whether you’re a die-hard gamer or just someone looking for their next gaming fix, we’ve got you covered.
So, grab your wooden stakes and garlic because we’re about to dive into the world of Redfall and find out if it’s worth all the hype.
Luke Reilly – IGN
“Redfall is a bafflingly bad time across the board, whether playing solo or with a friend or three suffering alongside you. That it comes in the wake of Arkane’s excellent Deathloop, the enduringly beloved Prey, and the acclaimed Dishonored series honestly beggars belief. Its performance on Xbox Series X is regularly dire, plagued with pop-in, stutters, and a long list of display bugs. It’s beleaguered with bodgy AI enemies that struggle to mount a basic defence, choose appropriate cover, or even effectively navigate the world. The one-note mission design recycles and repurposes itself all the way until the anticlimactic final encounter. Button commands break, characters vanish, and the cheap and static story scenes seem woefully unfinished by typical standards. There may be occasional glimpses of a competent co-op shooter on display but otherwise, Redfall is just like a vampire in all the wrong ways. That is, it really wasn’t ready for daylight in this state, and it sucks.”
VERDICT – 4 / 10 Bad
Dayna Eileen – CGM
“Redfall is an entertaining, albeit shallow, romp in the FPS genre solo or with a team. Though PC seems to be performing less than favourably and next-gen consoles aren’t being pushed to their true capabilities, the game remains functional, fun and occasionally frightening.”
VERDICT – 7 / 10
PJ O’Reilly – Pure Xbox
“Redfall sees Arkane experiment with melding genres, to mixed results. There’s plenty of flashes of the style and narrative flair we’ve come to expect from this incredible studio as you explore the town and face off with its undead inhabitants. However, the mixing of FPS action and story beats with open world exploration and a relatively relaxed pace leads to a balancing act that may leave hardcore shooter aficionados and Arkane super fans alike wanting more. If you come at it looking for a chilled out bit of vampire hunting there’s still plenty to enjoy here, but some irksome AI issues and a lack of clarity over what it really wants to be leave it feeling a little lost in a limbo of its own making.”
VERDICT – 6 / 10 Not Bad
Mark Delaney – GameSpot
“Ultimately, Redfall is a game that should not have been released yet. Its litany of bugs hampers the gameplay loop of exploring its world with friends, and that loop itself feels compromised by elements that are poorly executed and ill-suited to the team implementing them. I can’t pretend to know whether Arkane chose to make a loot-shooter or was assigned to make a loot-shooter, but I can tell you what it feels like: one of the best game studios in the world suddenly made toothless.”
VERDICT – 4 / 10 Poor
Rick Lane – The Guardian
“Glimmers of Arkane’s typical brilliance can be found in more authored missions. One example sees players infiltrate a creepy mansion guarded by specialist vampires, and the constrained environment clarifies your tactical options and makes combat more interesting. Yet there are also times when Redfall plays like a parody of Arkane’s previous work. Allegedly powerful opponents that lurk in institutional buildings such as churches and town halls; I eliminated several of these “underbosses” by walking through the front door and one-shot-killing them with the stake launcher, which feels entirely opposed to the nuanced experiences Arkane has tried to bring players up to this point.
Couple all this with frequent bugs and technical issues, like environment textures visibly struggling to load in as you tread about the town, and the whole enterprise begins to feel cursed. Redfall is a poor execution of ideas ill-at-ease with Arkane’s historic design ethos, a sad misuse of Arkane’s a unique developer’s particular talents.”
VERDICT – 2 / 5 “Sucked dry of fun”
Redfall scores on Metacritic are 56 for the Xbox version and 54 for the PC version, not great!
And there you have it, folks! The verdict is in and it seems like Redfall didn’t quite live up to the hype. But hey, that’s just the opinion of the critics, right? Maybe you’ve played the game yourself and have a different take on it. Or maybe you’re just curious about the negative reviews and want to chime in. Whatever your thoughts may be, we want to hear from you!
Leave a comment down below and let us know what you think about Redfall. Did the game fall short of your expectations? Or did you find it to be a hidden gem that’s been unfairly criticised? We want to hear all about it.
And if you enjoyed this review round-up, be sure to share it with your fellow gamers and subscribe to our blog for more gaming content. Who knows, maybe our next review will feature a game that’s worth sinking your teeth into. But for now, we’ll just have to wait and see.
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